Updated December 2019

The French Revolution Master Bedroom Re-do Part Deux – Christmas Home Tour is live.

Vintage mirror and vanity with Christmas decor
Vintage French Christmas

Let’s just put first things first; after 21 years and counting, the ceiling fan in the master bedroom is no longer! Two long years of searching, and just look. whAT. I. FOUND!


The center piece, the grand dame, the piece de resistance,  for the French Revolution Master Bedroom, my French chandelier! I have combed every antique mall in this city, and most every city I’ve visited in the past two years hunting for this pearl.  I’ve stalked etsy, e-bay, craigslist, and it was Facebook Marketplace that finally brought us together.


The sweet lady I purchased it from told me that over 35 years ago she found it at a well-known and much loved store in Kansas City, Architectural Salvage. If you live here and love to antique, you must go. If you live elsewhere and love to pick,  it’s worth a weekend trip! She explained to me that a couple of years after purchasing the chandelier, she was flipping through Architectural Digest, and THERE IT WAS (or one like it), hanging in all it’s glory in the featured home. I’ve yet to find that copy of the magazine, but I’ll keep looking. It would have been in the early 1980s. If you find it, post it for me in the comments.


Of course, the emerald green crystal raindrop prisms inspired a color scheme for the Christmas décor.  Personally, in the winter months I cocoon in the master bedroom even more than usual, so, it’s easy to make the decision to decorate the room for Christmas.


I’m not talking about creating a Christmas Village, although I wouldn’t talk you out of it! You could add just a touch of the Christmas spirit! Maybe a small tree by your bed,  a wreath over the mirror, garland over the bedpost, or an adorable petite tree on your dressing table.


Yes, I have a dressing table. Remember, I’m a Tennessee girl who loved Miss Scarlet!



For the sake of an inspirational post (wink), I’d say I did more than I normally would do in the bedroom. With this post, I also want to show the French Revolution of the master that has taken place over the past year and half! You can read and view part one of the revolution here: Before and After Master Bedroom Partie Un (Dressed for fall,of course).

Below is the window nook before shot! Almost nothing remains; the television passed away, the desk is in the family room, the rocker is on the deck, and the small table is in the guest room. No furniture was harmed in the revolution.


Now for the window nook “after” photo. I do love a bergere! I convinced Tom the Great that I needed this one for our 10 year anniversary! I do love a good thrift or reuse, as you know. But this chair is one of the splurges. We purchased it from Ethan Allen over 15 years ago, and this is the third location for the set. It may have found its forever home.


The side table, however, was picked from a local antique mall and re-finished. I do plan to do more distressing to this piece over the winter, so stay tuned for an update.


I purchased these slim, go anywhere, vintage look trees from Hobby Lobby about four years ago! They still carry the line in various iterations, but I haven’t seen them in this champagne color this year. They were first used in the basement, then the master, last year in the family room and now back to the master!


The table is an antique sewing machine cabinet. The tones in the wood along with the molding details are what caught my eye. This solid walnut piece is a thrift find. The value and beauty are simply in the eye of the beholder.



The haute bois was purchased and used by Tom the Great’s grandfather, and then his father. It is in desperate need of a professional re-finishing. I will not be attempting that job (as I’ve been so instructed.)


My thought with the French mirrors, was to create a floor mirror or leaner look. If there is such a thing in the antique world as a full lenth french mirror, I’m quite certain I could not afford it. I’m very happy with my compromise. I do have a third mirror that will fit behind the candlesticks, it will require a trip to a glass doctor for new mirror!




For the Christmas holiday, the bed got a pillow swap. But, what about the red pillows, you ask. They have been re-located to the guestroom.The only new purchase for this room for Christmas was the Christmas pillow and a few green ornaments!



The back story for this antique desk can be read on the first post of the French Revolution reveal by clicking on this link.





The chairs at the foot of the bed are not a matching set. They are similar enough that I’m not bothered by the differences. I think of them as his and hers. I do, however, plan to unify them a bit more with matching fabric.  I’ve found the fabric…just on the to-do-list for now to find a reasonably priced seamstress!


There is still an outside chance that I will paint the chairs. I do love the wood tones, so I haven’t come to that decision just yet.


Thanks for visiting during this most wonderful (and busy) time of the year! I’ll have more Christmas time posts coming your way soon.

Enjoy Today!

Love y’all,

Lori Nell

Comments (4)

  1. Jana Unruh


    Beautiful as always, Lori! I am inspired by the vintage shopping and looking for more ahead. Always love seeing the perfect outcomes of your creative spirit and diligent shopping the vision!

  2. Jana Unruh


    Beautiful as always, Lori! I am inspired by the vintage shopping and looking for more ahead. Always love seeing the perfect outcomes of your creative spirit and diligent ‘shopping the vision’!

  3. Pingback: Chinoiserie Master Bedroom Makeover - The Color Edition - Southern Nell's

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